
1708 Gallery: Design Work

1708 Gallery:

Design Work

Print, Web, and Exhibition Design

While working as the Gallery Coordinator and Operations Manager of 1708 Gallery, Richmond, VA, I had the opportunity to create many designs for print and digital media related to exhibits. I also had the wonderful opportunity to learn and practice exhibition and experiential design. Below are some examples of both 2D design work and exhibition design work.

Graphic Design and Marketing

This is a screenshot of the index page of the 1708 Gallery. My position at 1708 Gallery included updating and maintaining the website through html and css coding. I designed the layout and would regularly change the spanned background image depending on the current exhibit. In this example, the exhibit was Cabin Fever, the gallery’s annual art auction. While the background illustration on was created by Valerie Molnar, I crafted the webpage navigation for the index page, set up the banner, and set up the spanning of the background image. I also mapped a button so if the user desired, they can simply click the background image to go directly to that exhibit’s page.


While at 1708 Gallery, I also designed the Current Art Fair website using templates from Squarespace and input from the advisory committee. I added additional css design elements and crafted the organization of the page. You can see an example of that above. Also above is a poster designed for one of 1708 Gallery Auction events. The photograph in the background was created by Matt Spahr. I handled photo editing, cropping, and text and branding placement. And the last example from about is a poster I designed for the Molly Lowe exhibit using images of her work.

Here is another example of web design work paired with an image I designed to illustrate the calendar of events pages. I created the background image using a photograph of an event. It was edited in Photoshop and the calendar was created in illustrator. Finally, I handled programming the page onto the website.

Here is a gallery of a few other examples of 2D design work created for the gallery utilizing images from the artists and some stock image when needed. The examples include social media images, exhibition cards, posters, and wall text.

Exhibition Design

1708 Gallery is one of the nation’s oldest artist-run nonprofit contemporary art spaces. The mission is to give opportunities for artistic innovation and to expand the appreciation and understanding of contemporary art to the public.

From my time at the gallery starting as in intern in 2011 until I left my position as Gallery Coordinator and Operations Manager in 2020, helped with almost every installation in some form or another. This gave me a lot of experience working with fabrication and exhibition design. As the Gallery Coordinator and Operations Manager from 2016-2020, I acted as the liaison for the artists, oversaw all aspects of installation, marketing, promotion, archival work, bookkeeping, and the educational components of the internship program. Below as some examples of exhibition design from my time coordinating with the artists. As a contemporary space many times the installations focused on new media, sound, and nontraditional art installations.

This is an image of one of the first installations that I oversaw as the main point of contact for installations. I worked directly one on one with the artists, Lisa and Janelle Iglesias, to create an exhibition installation that helped deliver their story.